Wednesday, 30 July 2014

The Circle

     Author                            Dave Eggers

     County                           United States

     Genre                             Science Fiction

     Publication Date            2013

     Pages                              504

This is an exciting and futuristic book by the New York Times best selling author, Dave Eggers. It follows the story of Mae Holland, a young and ambitious girl who lands a job in the much coveted organization called 'Circle'.

Through the course of the book, she is both amazed and enraptured by the technology and the insight of the company. However, before long, Mae finds herself at the centre of this large scale change movement and she absolutely loves the attention. 

The central theme of the book is the use of technology to create a much better world (as deemed by the leaders of this organization). In their view, there should be no privacy and all information should be available in full with everyone. The fundamental belief is that secrets enable immoral activities and everybody would behave righteously if they know they are being watched (and hence the need for round the clock monitoring of everybody). This cent percent openness would, they believe lead to a society which is bereft of any crime and misdoings. 

While the belief sounds utopian and aspirational, at a more humane and personal level, it opens up questions around an individual's right to his privacy. 

This is indubitably one of the most contentious debates of our times and in that sense, this book hits the nail on the head. While the perspectives are more from the view of those who are pushing for this change, the book leaves an engaged reader questioning the limits of information sharing. 

And that is somewhere what Dave had aspired for - to raise the right questions and force people to seek answers. 

In summation, I would describe this as an insightful book that leaves the reader thinking. However, the book could have surely benefited from some brevity.

If you are thinking of purchasing a copy of this book, try out my favorite site:; an online shopping portal which brings together some awesome deals from all large e commerce sites (Flipkart, eBay, Snapdeal and the likes) while also offering additional cash back; which you only get if you go through Lafalafa and shop at any of your e commerce sites!  
You could use the link: to shop.
So, do check it out and Happy Reading! 

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Go put your Strengths to Work

     Author                            Marcus Buckingham

     Country                          United States

     Genre                             Non Fiction: Management

     Publication Date            2007

     Pages                              270

Most of us in the HR fraternity are exposed to Gallup's strength based approach pretty early in our careers. This book by Marcus who has been spearheading the strength based work at Gallup and now has his own consulting organization, takes the same beliefs and theories a step further.

The basic premise of this strength based philosophy is that all of us are more productive when our work is structured such that it uses more of our strengths than weaknesses. As Marcus says, 'success' and 'failure' are not necessarily opposites. By focusing and working on our weaknesses, we wouldn't necessarily achieve success. For success, we need to identify our strengths and work on those.

Through the book, Marcus urges the readers to identify their strengths and ensure that their work is steered towards using these strengths. While this may not always be in an individual's circle of influence, by making deliberate efforts and speaking to ones managers and consequently delivering better results (as a result of using strengths), one can make this feasible. 

As Marcus elucidates, a strength is not just something that one does well in (this is a necessary but not a sufficient condition), but is something that one is instinctively drawn towards, enjoys doing and feels a huge sense of satisfaction after having done it. This is particularly insightful since so many of us merely restrict ourselves to the first part of the definition - the belief that if I am good at something that's my strength irrespective of whether I enjoy it or not. As a result of this limited approach, more often than not we erroneously allow others (mostly our managers) to identify our strengths. 

I personally am a huge proponent of the strengths based approach and fundamentally believe that each of us deserves to lead a more fulfilling work life; and the starting point of the same indubitably is knowing our strengths and weaknesses and then ensuring that we spend more of our time on strengths. 

In my view, this is a simple yet powerful and insightful book. A recommended read for any management professional. 

If you are thinking of purchasing a copy of this book, try out my favorite site:; an online shopping portal which brings together some awesome deals from all large e commerce sites (Flipkart, eBay, Snapdeal and the likes) while also offering additional cash back; which you only get if you go through Lafalafa and shop at any of your e commerce sites!  
You could use the link: to shop.
So, do check it out and Happy Reading! 

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

The Book Thief

     Author                        Markus Zusak

     Country                      Germany

     Genre                         Historical Fiction

     Publication Date       2006

     Pages                         550

This is a book I simply adored. It's one of those books that keep you up late into the night to be finished and then leave you with a huge sense of emptiness the next day. I am amazed at Markus' brilliance at weaving together a story around a much explored topic (Nazi Germany) with such ease and beauty. This book has been a treat like none other.

This is the story of a 9 year old girl, Leisel who comes to live with her foster parents in Nazi Germany. Against the backdrop of all that was happening in Nazi Germany in the 1940s, Markus tells the story of Leisel and how she becomes a book thief since she finds solace in the written word. The story is mostly built through the eyes of this naive girl who is smart and observant and starts connecting many dots very early in life to decipher what really is happening in Germany. 

Very uniquely, the narrator of the book is Death. Given the war and the mass exterminations happening in Germany and all around, the imagery of Death as the narrator gives both a grave dimension and a certain amount of humor to the book ( Death claims that she has a hard job and gets no vacation and so on). 

Throughout the story, Markus builds the connection that Leisel feels with her books. Starting from a sense of pride in learning to read and write to an absolute need to possess books to rendering solace to others (in shelters) by reading to them, Lesiel grows and matures with her books. And both literally (she was writing in her basement when air raids kill all her friends and family) and figuratively, Leisel survives those years because of her books! 

Hans Hubberman (Leisel's foster father) is another strong character in the book. He plays an immense role in Leisel's life (by teaching her to read, staying up with her through the nightmares etc) and is a conscientious man keen to do the right thing. Having been saved by a Jew during the war, he can never forget the favour and in return, he paints to remove anti Jew slurs from outside their houses, gets whipped on the street for handing over bread to a starving Jew, hides a Jew in his basement and so on. Hans is a reflection of how hard it was for people like him to be themselves and survive in a Hitler led Germany. 

Through the character of Max, a Jew who hides in Leisel's basement; Markus illustrates the Jewish side of Nazi Germany: a life of desperation and injustice. 

Markus's story brilliantly builds upon several themes: darkness (through the narrator and the war, air raids etc); desperation (through Max and other Jews who live during that time); the love of words (Leisel) and being conscientious and scared at the same time (Hans). 

This is a story that is both deep and light; it's both real and fiction. Like I said, it's simply adorable. Huge respect for Markus!

If you are thinking of purchasing a copy of this book, try out my favorite site:; an online shopping portal which brings together some awesome deals from all large e commerce sites (Flipkart, eBay, Snapdeal and the likes) while also offering additional cash back; which you only get if you go through Lafalafa and shop at any of your e commerce sites!  
You could use the link: to shop.
So, do check it out and Happy Reading! 

The Razors Edge

     Author                        W Somerset Maugham

     Country                      United States

     Genre                         Fiction: Classic

     Publication Date       1944

     Pages                          314

This again is one of those books of Somerset Maughum that has decided to stay with me. And the best way for it to stay would be to feature on my blog and hence; here it comes.

This is a story about Larry Darrell, an American pilot who is traumatized by his experience in World War 1 and he hence proceeds to lead a life in search of truth and meaning. Larry's refusal to lead a 'normal life' (as defined by the society) and to take up a regular job separates him from his then fiancé; Isabel who is unwilling to get married to someone who is leading a life of wandering & searching. Isabel goes on to marry someone of her status in society while Larry fills his life with innumerable spiritual and other experiences across Paris, India and other places. The story is interspersed with Elliott Templeton, Isabel's uncle who strives thorughout his life (and even on his death bed) to lead a life of social eminence. 

In usual Maugham style, the story flows seamlessly and the reader is left gripped with different characters in the book. The ending is particularly powerful where he points out that each character gets what he was thriving for: Larry - happiness; Isabel - an assured position in society and Elliott - social eminence. 

This powerful yet simple book leaves me with just one thought: how each of us strive for different things in life and how it's a blessing to know what one wants out of life. While to some Isabel may have seemed selfish to have not pursued her relationship with Larry, to me she's someone who exactly knows what's important for her in life and is unwilling to sign up for something lesser. While I may not be able to associate with her aspirations, her clarity around those is impressive. 

So many of us drag ourselves through life doing the so called 'right' things with absolutely no inkling of what our mind & soul truly crave for. Clarity of mind and the grit to pursue would make life so much happier!

If you are thinking of purchasing a copy of this book, try out my favorite site:; an online shopping portal which brings together some awesome deals from all large e commerce sites (Flipkart, eBay, Snapdeal and the likes) while also offering additional cash back; which you only get if you go through Lafalafa and shop at any of your e commerce sites!  
You could use the link: to shop.
So, do check it out and Happy Reading!